Local Businesses
Kiah Park Phone: 07 5486 6166

On and from the farm
Kin Kin Bush Trails Phone: 0412 609 250 or 0459 620 052

Artists and artisans
Peggy Drake Ph: 0411 320 593
Simone Eisler Ph: 0409 612 093
BJL Drafting Ph: 0417 609 250
Gold OCHRE – Graphic Design Aesthete
MTA Travel Ph: 0411 234 008
Healthy mind and body
Hinterland Massage Ph: 0421 386 510
Monica Kennedy Counselling
Ph: 0438 156 903
Art of Massage by Tracey Ph: 0488 525 131
Local tradespeople
Anthony Kustom Garage Phone: 0434 267 290
Dean’s Kitchens Phone: 07 5485 4269
Everything Pumpin Phone: 0438 825 924
Kin Kin Electrical and Refrigeration Phone: 0438 854 176
Kin Kin Floor Sanding Phone: 0414 803 835
Painter and Renderer Phone: 0428 458 602
Queenslander Metal Hood Awnings
Richard Lee Paving and Landscaping
Sheworks Kin Kin Phone: 0413 678 026