Kin Kin Community Group Inc. (KKCG)
Kin Kin Community Group Inc. (KKCG) provides a forum to discuss ways to enhance the local community experience, celebrate the town’s heritage and potential, and promote the uniqueness that is Kin Kin!
As a not-for-profit group, KKCG supports local community initiatives.
For more than 20 years KKCG has worked to form relationships with all levels of government, paving the way forward for an enhanced local community environment that supports its endeavours and aspirations.
KKCG aims to:
- Coordinate the enhancement of the community.
- Respond to specific community issues as they are presented.
- Provide a forum for unrepresented groups.
- Be a support group for the promotion of the community, its environment, culture and celebrations.
Focused on Kin Kin’s heritage and the community, KKCG derives income from:
- Grants
- Kin Kin Creations monthly market
- Kin Kin School of Arts Hall hire
- Camping on the Kin Kin Sportsground Oval for users of the Noosa Trail Network.
Current KKCG Executive Members
President: Rilka Stone
Vice President: Allan Bonsall
Treasurer: Mark McCormick
Secretary: Jann Bonsall