Community Noticeboard
Hire the Kin Kin Memorial
School of Arts Hall
The Kin Kin Memorial School of Arts Hall is supported by grant funding received from Noosa Council. Bookings email: ONLINE BOOKINGS COMING SOON…

Yoga classes
Monday 6.30-8pm. Friday 6.30-8am Visit: sundari wellbeing | Facebook

Hire the Kin Kin
tennis courts

Kin Kin Creations Market
First Sunday of the month 8am-12 noon. Visit: Kin Kin Market | Facebook

Be fire safe
If your fire is larger than two metres in any direction a permit is required. If you are looking to burn, please make sure you contact our Fire Warden, Rob McKeown on 07 5485 4129.

Bushcare – Roving restorers
8.30am fourth Thursday of every month – Meet at the end of Leggetts Loop, Kin Kin
Please join us – the Restorers are experienced weeders and just like helping people out! Think Singapore Daisy, Madeira Vine and Cats Claw. Wear rubber boots and bring plenty of water.